Thursday, August 28, 2014

Paleo Diet

As I'm sure you've heard, countless individuals around the world have turned to the Paleo Diet and way of living in order to regain their health, energy, vitality and power. Just a few of the benefits user report are:
  • Leaner, Stronger Muscles
  • Increased Energy
  • Significantly More Stamina
  • Clearer, Smoother Skin
  • Weight Loss Results
  • Better Performance and Recovery
  • Stronger Immune System
  • Enhanced Libido
  • Greater Mental Clarity
  • No More Hunger/Cravings
  • Thicker, Fuller Hair
  • Clear Eyes
  • And So Much More!
In fact, when you toss all the false nutritional info out there aside and finally get back to your roots, there's really no part of your health and body that DOESN'T get better in some way.

And that's why the Paleo Diet is by far the fastest growing eating trend on planet earth. Because the results speak for themselves.For more information about this diet please click here link to the right under Paleo Diet
This information was taken from Why not check out this diet? It costs nothing to look at what this diet has to offer


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Avoid Dieting Make Positive Changes Instead Part 1

Avoid Dieting Make Positive Changes Instead

Why is it that merely saying the “D” word, you know “diet” brings immediate thoughts of failure to the minds of many men and women around the world? Could it be that we have all learned through trial and error that diets simply do not work? I know many of you are sitting back with jaws dropped at the moment. After all, this is an article about dieting, right? It is and it isn’t. Dieting is the kiss of death for many while a new phase in your life or lifestyle adjustment may be just the thing that will mean success for you and your fitness and health goals.

Eating for some is an addiction. Unfortunately, you can’t exactly give up eating all together as a smoker can give up cigarettes. I’m not applying by any means that giving up cigarettes is easy but how much more difficult would it be if you were forced to have three a day? At that point you may as well enjoy them every time the urge hits right? The same holds true for food. You must eat in order to survive. You cannot live without eating. This means that if food is a problem in your life, you must find a healthier way of viewing food.
Join me next week for part 2

Friday, January 3, 2014

Magic Bullet

Now that Christmas and New Years is over, we might start thinking about some sort of diet to lose a few pounds.One of my Christmas presents was a magic bullet.It has a great recipe book.One particular recipe in the book, I would like to share.It is called Smoothies & Protein Shakes.When I am getting ready for work in the morning, I don't feel like eating because of all of the running around.Instead I would stop and get a doughnut and coffee.Now I take this smoothy , I add fresh fruit,ice, a bit of juice or milk,I add a scoop of protein powder for a instant fat loss meal replacement.It only takes ten seconds to make.I discovered that in to weeks I lost 3 lbs.Also not stopping for donuts or coffee.I feel better and   I get to work earlier than usual.One of my fellow workers commented on my attitude saying that things must be right at home.So losing some weight does make a difference.If you have other ideas like this please feel free to comment.